Publications by Richard M. Gray, Ph.D.
Scholarly Publications
Lies, Liars, and Lie Detection. Federal Probation Quarterly, 75(3), 31-36 (2011).
Pseudo Orientations in Time. Acuity, 2(1), 12-26 (2011).
NLP Patterns and Principles. Acuity, 1(1), 6-16 (2010).
Consider Mind Mapping. New Jersey Criminal Justice Educator, 38(1), (2006).
Jung and Levi-Strauss Revisited: An analysis of Common Themes. The Mankind Quarterly. 31(3) (1991).
Wake, L., Gray, R., & Bourke, F. (Eds.) The Clinical Effectiveness of NLP. London: Routledge (Under Contract, scheduled for release October 29, 2012).
Transforming Futures: The Brooklyn Program Facilitators Manual: Second Edition. Raleigh, NC: Lulu Press. 2011.
Interviewing and counseling skills: An NLP perspective. Raleigh, NC: Lulu Press, 2011.
About Addictions: Notes from Psychology, Neuroscience and NLP. Raleigh, NC: Lulu Press. 2008.
Archetypal Explorations. London: Routledge. 1996.
Book Chapters
Psychopathy and the Will to Power
Encyclopedia Articles
Counseling. In Encyclopedia of Community Corrections
Drug- and Alcohol-Abusing Offenders and Treatment In Encyclopedia of Community Corrections
Book Reviews
Other Publications
Another link to this article can be found at the NLP research and Recognition website.
NLP and Meditation. The Healing Pool: NLP Edition, 32-37. Published on line at (2009).
The War on Drugs. FDU Magazine Online Edition. Summer/Fall 2006.
Thinking About Drugs and Addiction. Boulder, CO: NLP Comprehensive. September 2005.
Selected Conference Presentations
The Brooklyn Program: Cognitive applications of the physiological correlates of spiritual experience. The Dr. Lonnie E. Mitchell National HBCU Substance Abuse Conference. Howard University, Inner Harbor Marriott Hotel, April 2, 2003.
Pseudo-Orientations in Time: Outframing Addictive Behaviors. National Association of Social Workers, Institute on Addictions, Fordham University, NY, NY. May, 2001.